Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Faced with cuts to women’s rights, donate to the women who change the world #en

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

By Victor Serri, Setmanari La Directa
After the 8th of March, from Calala-Fondo de Mujeres we want to encourage you to keep defending women’s rights and to help us raise funds for the women that transform the world every day through their organizations. This year, we will distribute the 20,000 euros that we obtain through individual donations among women’s groups and networks in the Spanish state, Latin America, and the Caribbean. We want to renew our support of the women’s organizations that benefitted from our donations in 2013 and we would like to extend our support to more groups, because of which we need to raise 4,000 euros total. Will you help us? From 10, 20, 50 or 100 euros, every contribution adds to the support of the sustainability of the women’s movement. 
Make your donation to the bank account with IBAN ES77 2100 3277 1022 0017 6934 or through our website.
Money to strengthen the women’s movement that betters their lives and everyone else’s
By Alvaro Minguito, Periódico Diagonal
In 2014, we will designate 10,000 euros to the Donation Program for Women’s Organizations in Spain, which served to support the women’s movement that has been faced with cuts to rights and to funding; since 2008, the funding for equality policies has been cut 56% and this year the subsidies for social and women’s organizations has been reduced by half compared to 2013. Last year, this Program distributed 9,100 euros among seven groups: the cooperative Tamaia-Viure Sense Violència (Tamaia-Living without Violence), that has worked for more than 20 years in prevention, caregiving, and awareness raising to eradicate gender based violence; La Fondona, Feminist Documentation/LGBTI/Queer Fund; the women migrant’s organization Mujeres con Voz(Women with Voice), which operates the Getxo School of Empowerment; las Brujas Migrantes (The Migrant Witches), which operates a radio program on Radio Vellekas; el grupo de trabajadoras del hogar apoyado por la Oficina de Derechos Sociales de Sevilla (the Domestic Workers Group supported by Seville’s Social Rights Office) and the Red de Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe en España (the Network of Latin-American and Caribbean Women in Spain), that groups together different migrant women’s organizations in the Spanish state.
Foro de Mujeres por la Vida
The other 10,000 euros will be for our Donation Program for Latin American and Caribbean Organizations, that in 2013 distributed the same amount between the Colectiva Juvenil Feminista (Youth Feminist Collective) in El Salvador, el Foro de Mujeres por la Vida(Women’s Forum for Life) in Honduras, and the Grupo de Mujeres Ixchel (Ixchel Women’s Group) in Guatemala.

Since 2010, in Calala we have distributed nearly 100,000 euros among women’s groups in the Spanish state, Latin America, and the Caribbean. We are part of the movement that we support, in order to improve the lives of thousands of women and of the communities where they are involved, and we are incorporated in the International Network of Women’s Funds that, since the 1980s, has searched for new sources of funding to support the women’s movement around the world.

Solidify your solidarity and donate for the women that work for their rights every day!


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