Thursday, March 27, 2014

Apple to make emojis more racially diverse #en

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Colorado Diversity Council Recognizes Level 3's Maggie Chan Jones as Top Influential Woman ...
BROOMFIELD, Colo., March 27, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Level 3 Communications, Inc. (NYSE: LVLT) today announced Maggie Chan Jones, senior ...
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North Wind Online
Embracing diversity essential to US
Back in February, I sat watching the Super Bowl. Well, more honestly, I watched the commercials during the Super Bowl. One commercial caught my ...
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Professional Diversity Network celebrates 3 million members online
CHICAGO — Membership for the leading developer and operator of online recruiting for diverse professionals, Professional Diversity Network, Inc.
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Sydney Morning Herald
Apple to make emojis more racially diverse
"There needs to be more diversity in the emoji character set, and we have been working closely with the Unicode Consortium in an effort to update the ...
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